Thursday, May 21, 2020
Helping Student Use Textual Source Persuasively By...
Helping Student Use Textual Source Persuasively by Maragret Kantz, is a research about the mistakes most of us students make when researching for a paper. We need a theory-based explanation,one grounded in the findings of the published research on the nature and reasons for our students problems with writing persuasive researched papers. To understand how to teach students to write such papers, we also need a better understanding of the demands of synthesis tasks. Like most students like to state the facts given to us by published articles and not finding out the true facts of the research. In her research she introduced Shirley. A highly educated sophomore. She comes from an educated family with great reading and writing skills. Shirley wrote a research paper on the Battle of Agincourt. While she did her research and only wrote about the so called fact/truth, she did not receive the academic grade she thought she would since her facts were there. She then presented her concern with her friend Alice. While Shirley defended her sources Alice states You re dealing with facts, so there aren t too many choices. If you want to say something original you either have to talk about the sources or talk about the material... This would keep Shirley narrative structure of her research paper but also give her an argument and purpose. There are three causes Kantz states 1) Many students like Shirley misunderstand sources because they read them as stories. 2) Many students
Monday, May 18, 2020
What Is the Name of the Covalent Compound CCl4
What is the name of the covalent compound CCl4? Its carbon tetrachloride. Carbon tetrachloride is an important nonpolar covalent compound. You determine its name based on the atoms present in the compound. By convention, the positively-charged (cation) part of the molecule is named first, followed by the negatively-charged (anion) part. The first atom is C, which is the element symbol for carbon. The second part of the molecule is Cl, which is the element symbol for chlorine. When chlorine is an anion, it is called chloride. There are 4 chloride atoms, so the name for 4, tetra, is used. This makes the molecules name carbon tetrachloride. Carbon Tetrachloride Facts CCl4 goes by many names besides carbon tetrachloride, including tetrachloromethane (IUPAC name), carbon tet, Halon-104, benziform, Freon-10, methane tetrachloride, Tetrasol, and perchloromethane. It is an organic compound that is a colorless liquid with a distinctive sweet odor, resembling that of ether or tetrachloroethylene used by dry cleaners. Its used primarily as a refrigerant and as a solvent. As a solvent, it is used to dissolve iodine, fats, oils, and other nonpolar compounds. The compound has also been used as a pesticide and fire extinguisher. Although carbon tetrachloride used to be widely available and used, it has been replaced by safer alternatives. CCl4 is known to cause liver failure. It also damages the nervous system and kidneys and may cause cancer. Primary exposure is via inhalation. Carbon tetrachloride is a greenhouse gas known to cause ozone depletion. In the atmosphere, the compound has an estimated lifetime of 85 years.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparing Women in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte...
Comparing Women in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman and The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck Talents and dreams, hopes and desires, shunned by the husbands and times of the women in The Chrysanthemums and The Yellow Wallpaper. The wife, Elisa, in the Chrysanthemums, reflects an internal struggle to find her place in a world of definite gender roles. The Yellow Wallpaper traces the treatment of a woman who descends from depression to madness in the male-imposed psychiatric confinement of her room. The mirror-like situations that hinder the protagonists in both stories call the women to conduct themselves in demeanors drastically different from one another. Elisa Allen of the Chrysanthemums and the narrator of the Yellow†¦show more content†¦Nevertheless, this ?cure? makes her weak; it transforms her into a woman gone mad. She gives into the figments of her imagination and begins to metamorphose this ?thing? she imagines behind the wallpaper as a hallucinogenic image of herself. This ?woman? becomes a deadly combination: best friend and worst enemy. She views the woman as trapped, and, in order to free herself from this non-fulfilling life, she must free the woman. Elisa also receives an uninvited guest, a tinker who she perceives as the perfect emblem of freedom. His life is on the road, in the wild-outside the fence. She, like the narrator, feels a need, a desire, to help this outsider in order to liberate ones self. Vivid pictures and visions of a life with no barriers, boundaries, or limitations, run free in the minds of both Elisa Allen and the narrator in ?The Yellow Wallpaper.? These women begin to view objects as both symbols of entrapment and of license. Within the confinements of her ?prison?, this once busy and bothersome pattern of the yellow wallpaper begins to straighten out. It becomes almost bar-like, and with the walls and the windows this ?soothing? room turns into a reformatory from which she must abscond. Elisa must also break free, decomp from the boundary, the fence, that is enclosing her in the stationary, non-progressive life. She sees hope, a way to expand, through her joy, her love, her talent crysanthemums. By sharing her love with others, she is actually leaving, goingShow MoreRelated Discussing the Chrysanthemums Essay1223 Words  | 5 PagesDiscussing the Chrysanthemums In studying the various schools of criticism and using them to decipher the inner workings of novels, short stories, and poems, it becomes apparent that they all share a common factor: a theme. The theme of a story is the general idea or insight, which is revealed by the entire story (Kennedy, 195). Although there are many themes that seem to be similar, it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to find to stories with identical themes. Two stories with similar themes
Student Loan Crisis Research Paper - 1332 Words
ï ¿ ½PAGE ï ¿ ½ How to Make College More Affordable Many of the protesters occupying Wall Street and other places say they are upset about the rising price of going to college. There is little dispute today that the number of students who have debt has increased, and that the amount of money they have borrowed has gone up (Billitteri). Many students incur large amounts of debt that will never pay dividends in higher wages or greater job satisfaction, and they graduate into a world with weak employment prospects. Its a betrayal of the American social contract that says if you work hard and invest in yourself through education, youll be able to build a better life. The current system is badly in need of an overhaul, and this paper will present†¦show more content†¦The current rate is around 35%, where it has been for the last decade. (_Historical_). Our current American business model is based upon short-term gains by building capital, and industry has successfully lobbied Washington for lower tax rates for years. However, this is arguably not sustainable in the long term because technology-based business ventures will be forced to shift back to more industrial ones if they dont have a readily available educated workforce. Corporations that do not pay their share of taxes will eventually suffer the consequences as their ability to hire a tech-savvy, educated workforce diminishes. Third, we currently have a bankruptcy system that does not allow student loans to be discharged, and there is no statute of limitations on collections of student debt. The government can legally garnish money from a low-income student borrowers Social Security benefits and Earned Income Tax Credit. Garnishing money from low-income students contradicts the stated U.S. policy goal of reducing poverty, and is therefore hypocritical. Most other kinds of debts can be discharged, but not student loans. Since the beginning of the federal student loan program in 1965, the freedom to change lenders in order to find better interest terms for a loan has also been denied (Caffentzis, 35). To single outShow MoreRelatedStudent Loan Debt1074 Words  | 5 Pagesof Financial Literacy Available in Regard to Student Loan Debt This personal finance paper will concentrate on the insufficient amount of guidance that is available concerning student loans. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how prospective and current college students are ill prepared in their education and understanding of student loans. 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A bubble in financial terms regards to the rapid rise of asset prices that isn’t backed by fundamentals. This will eventually cause a large sell off leading to a sharp depletion in those asset values. Over the last 5 years the American federal reserve bank has increased spending on federal student loans over 1,000%. From $100 billion to over $1 trillion dollars. According to Kate Hardiman from University of Notre DameRead MoreIntroduction. In The Recent Years, There Has Been An Increasing1016 Words  | 5 Pagespaying tuition fees for college students. This has been brought about by high cost of living and inflation. In addition, college tuition fees today as compared to 50 years back have increased exponentially. As a result, more students are opting to applying and taking student loans provided by the federal government. Consequently, statistics show that the amount of student dept is souring. This has led to econo mists start debating on the impact the ever-increasing student dept has on the economy of theRead MoreU.s. Federal Family Education Loan1657 Words  | 7 PagesBack to the early years of establishing a student-loan scheme in China, the US’s Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program was regarded as a blueprint to follow. This is largely because commercial lenders would use their own private capitals to finance student loans and consequently, the government can invest less and also bear less fiscal burden to initiate a new program. Ironically, the FFEL program was blamed as a wasteful and inefficient system and called for an end by President Obama in 2009Read MoreStudent Debt Crisis And Its Effects On The Economy Of The United States1828 Words  | 8 PagesOver the decades, as the number of students seeking higher education has continued to increase, so has the cost of education and the amount of student debts in the United States (US). This has raised controversy whet her the rapidly increasing student debts in the US can lead to another crisis commonly referred to as the ‘higher education bubble.’ More often than not the extent of the student debt crisis is usually overstated, but the concern is justified (Freedman, 2014). The manner in which theRead MoreNot A Student Loan For College Essay1238 Words  | 5 Pagesconcerns with student loans and repayment issues. In electing to secure a student loan for college, prospective students or parents should realistically, forecast or measure probable (anticipated) student debt. In particularly, with students aspiring to attend college, several organizations or subsidiaries, and for-profit institutions cash in on unknowledgeable hopefuls contributing to the student loan debt dilemma/crisis (or student debt). The college costs and financial constraints for student borrowingRead MoreThe Cost Of Post Secondary School Education1176 Words  | 5 Pages(Casselman, 2012). Some of the facets t hat have led to the increasing costs are state and federal revenue shortfalls and wrong use of cost offsetting. A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal indicates that students across America are plunging into more debt due to loans taken to pay their college education. Considering that America has experienced severe shortages of employees in the science related courses, rising costs of higher education continue to create more concern. The issue ofRead MoreAnalyzing The Current And Future Economic Status Of Ohio1276 Words  | 6 PagesMusallam December 4, 2014 Analyzing the Current and Future Economic Status of Ohio This paper will start by tackling the economic situation in Ohio by defining the main terms which we will use from time to time in this economic analysis. We will define recession and depression in order to put these matters in the right perspective. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), recession is the period when business activities have reached its peak and a fall starts. ThisRead MoreThe 2008 Recession Affected The Global Economy1532 Words  | 7 Pagesrecession affected the global economy. The unemployment rate in the United States began to skyrocket as well. Below is a graph depicting the unemployment rate in the United States during the 2008 recession. This graph data is from Oregon Economic Crisis Analysis. With lower rats of employment the United States Federal Reserve needed monetary policy to stimulate the economy. With many individuals loosing their jobs primarily in the housing sector the spiral continued through other sectors.
Ambush Marketing- Is It Ethical Free Essays
Ambush Marketing- Is It ethical? While a lot of discussion has been going on for quite some time on â€Å"Marketing ethics†including almost every aspect of marketing be it market research, market audience, pricing or marketing strategy. But none of these issues seem to be even close to the issues raised by the ethics of advertising and promotion and specifically â€Å"ambush marketing†in particular. Hence in this article we will take a quick look at the ever-increasing practice of ambush marketing, its origin, examples and its ethical concerns. We will write a custom essay sample on Ambush Marketing- Is It Ethical or any similar topic only for you Order Now Background: The term â€Å"ambush†in literal terms means â€Å"an attack from a hidden position†, this in fact, is the founding stone of the term â€Å"ambush marketing†. â€Å"Ambush Marketing†was coined in the 1980’s by Jerry Welsh, the renowned marketing strategist, while he was working as a manager for global marketing efforts for American Express. When he coined the term, he referred it as a creative and legitimate marketing strategy which could provide a level playing ground to the competitors of a thematic sponsor. Today, however, the term is associated with a negative connotation. According to Wikipedia â€Å"ambush marketing refers to a company’s attempt to capitalize on the goodwill, reputation, and popularity of a particular event by creating an association with it, without the authorization or consent of the necessary parties. †It is an attempt of the ambusher to associate itself with an event without paying the fee and get some rub-off effects from it. When implemented effectively, it diminishes the value of the actual sponsors of the event by confusing the customers Fig:Typical example of ambush marketing Fig1. :Jet airlines putting a billboard â€Å"we’ve changed†Fig1. 2:Kingfisher took the responsibility of making them change Fig1. 3:Go Air cashed in on the success of the two billboards There is a thin line between Ambush marketing and effective marketing practice. All the marketing strategies adopted by a rival company in the midst of an event cannot be called as ambush marketing. An activity is termed as ambushing only i f the marketer is trying to endorse a specific product/event and by doing that the revenues of the main event are getting damaged. For example f spice jet shows its commercials in between a motor sports event, it will not be guilty of ambushing. But if Pepsi is launching a new ad campaign in between cricket world cup whose official sponsor is coke and it affects the sales of coke, it will be termed as an instance of ambushing. Fig:Pepsi ad during 1996 WC Strategies for ambush marketing can be broadly classified into two groups: Forging: In this form, a company misleads the people that the ambusher is one of the sponsors of the event by using a similar name or logo associated with the event while it is not. For example, in 2002 Sydney Olympics, Quantas airlines changed its slogan to â€Å"The spirit of Australia†which was very close to the games slogan â€Å"Share the Spirit†. This was a classic case of ambush marketing as the official airline partner of the event was Ansett Air but the slogan of Quantas airlines suggested otherwise. Fig:Quantas airlines Intrusion: Here the ambusher tries to give its own name or trade mark through the medium of publicity of the event without seeking the permission of the organiser. This strategy uses the attention created by the event to promote the ambusher’s product. This strategy is more popular with the ambushers now-a-days as forging can lead to legal actions and this is comparatively a risk-free strategy. A notable example of this strategy was in 2002 Boston Marathon, whose official sponsor was Adidas but Nike provided the runners with spray painted â€Å"swooshes†which suggested that the event was sponsored by Nike. Fig:2002 Boston Marathon In 2006 Bavaria Brewery gave away orange overalls called Leeuwenhosen to some of the fans to support the Netherlands football team with the brewery’s logo on them. The FIFA officials asked the fans to remove the orange overalls as Budweiser was the official sponsor. Fig: Supporters wearing Leeuwenhosen By this time you all must have guessed the issues with ambushing, but then too let us reiterate some of the important ones. The first and the biggest of them is that it reduces the effectiveness of the advertisements of the original sponsors of the event and decreases their revenues. It can also lead to withdrawal of some of the sponsors from the event such as IBM and Mars from the Olympic TOP programme. The sponsorships for these events are costly and by ambushing, these companies are deprived of their right to increase their visibility and thereby their customer base. Remedies for Ambushing: Ambushing has been gaining popularity ever since it came into existence which is causing a lot of concerns for the official sponsors of the event. Hence for better protection of the interests of the company certain strategies have evolved which could help the victim company to counter ambushing. The major ones are Learn How to Ambush: This measure is based on the premise that if the knows how to ambush then it will also know the vulnerable points on which it could be ambushed and then it can try to plug those gaps through stringent contracts. Leveraging: These are supplementary measures such as ads aimed at increasing public awareness about the official sponsors of the event. Limit a non-sponsors capacity to advertise: By limiting the non-sponsors ability to advertise in the proximity of the event reduces the probability of ambushing through physical stalls, outlets etc. This strategy is also known as â€Å"clean stadium†policy. Establish more control over advertising: This is one of the most important and one of the most difficult measures to exercise. Since reach of media to the viewers of an event is much more than the people actually coming and watching those events, it is very important for firms to try and limit the advertisements by non-sponsors. Educate Consumers: One of the most safest and effective measure is making the customers known about the official sponsors so that the ambushers cannot mislead the public. Legal Restrictions: Stringent legal measures can act as deterrents to the practice of unethical ambushing. Is it ethical? Ambush marketing has changed its shape and form from 1980’s till today. But what is constant is the debate on whether it is ethical or not. The answer is very subjective. If you are asking this question to the sponsor of the event he might say that it is synonymous with crime and to an ambusher it might seem to be an intelligent marketing strategy. The viewpoints become completely reversed if the ambusher is made the sponsor and vice-versa. My opinion about ambushing is same as the ambushers. Marketing as a field of study has always been associated with creativity and ambushing gives them a perfect platform for the same. In today’s world, where there is cut throat competition between corporates due to increasing competition and reducing margins, companies have to come up with such kind of measures to counter other. During the times of recession, when all the major economies of the world go to a standstill, it serves as a cost effective method of advertising. For me it is not breaking the law or doing illegal, it is an intelligent use of the loopholes in the marketing practices of the other firm. If my rival is not aware of its shortcomings, I should use it to my advantage. Also, competition is not a game with set rules; if I am refraining from using ambush marketing today does not mean that my rival facing the same condition would not use ambush against me. In my viewpoint, it is one of the best methods of marketing involving minimum capital and maximum gains. What you think of ambushing is up to you to decide. How to cite Ambush Marketing- Is It Ethical, Papers
Job Role Studied Structural Engineer
Questions: 1. a) What is the main purpose of this job? b) Identify (eg everyday activities/responsibilities) that you have to do for this job and give an example for each. 2. Identify 5 Transferable Skills (eg communication, teamwork see Description of Skills document for other examples) used in this job and give an example of how each skill is demonstrated, Do Not include tasks, job specific skills, or personal attributes (eg patience, empathy, honesty, trustworthy) in this section. 3. What are the entry requirements for this job? (eg degree level/disciplines, other qualifications, alternative routes etc) 4. Where would you find these jobs advertised? (Please identify 3 vacancy sources, be specific eg website links, name of journals, newspaper name). Answers: 1. a. Main purpose of this job: Structural engineering is one of the most important branches of civil engineering which deals with heavy structures like tall buildings, bridges etc. Structural engineers play the main role in the large-scale construction projects. Mainly these structural engineers have to take the responsibility towards the safety, durability and economic condition of the important projects. b. 5 tasks of structural engineers: Design The primary duty of the structural engineers is to design some important structures which need more safety. These engineers mainly design the structures including all types of loads, stresses, and other important safety factors to make the construction easy for the site engineers. Structural engineers add the potential ingredient of design and durability in the design of various construction structures like that of high risers or bridges that need to be withstand a lot of various forces. The engineers have the ability about incorporating the technology to properly support beams, columns and foundations. Investigation Before commencement of work, the structural engineers investigate, verify and perform a survey in the project site to calculate the quality of the soil for the demand of the future projects. Communication Structural engineers possess good communication and project management skills for the development of a project. Generally structural engineers need to communicate with other members of the project team like environmental scientists, architects, soil engineers, site engineers. Sometimes they need to help the government for their self-inspection which relates to their projects. Management Sometimes structural engineers need to manage the project site environment. Mainly structural engineers need to take the responsibility of delivery of construction materials and other tools to maintain the progress of the project. Sometimes structural engineers also supervise and manage the labour problems in the project site. Training Safety is one of the most important factors in the modern project site. For this, the structural engineers must be trained and should be provided with adequate knowledge regarding safety for their work. Generally, an undergraduate degree in civil engineering or any other equivalent degree is necessary before making career in structural engineering. 2. 5 Transferable skills: Creativity Creativity of structural engineers is an inborn talent. Every structural engineer needs to be creative to perform in designing their projects. Creative skill for structural engineers is as important as their designing methods. Commercial awareness Structural engineers need to perform their duties in the various sectors like public sectors or government organization. So, it is important for the structural engineers to find their best suitable place of working for their own needs. Team working Team work is essential in every sector of work in civil engineering. Structural engineers need to take part in the team work with other structural engineers and also the other important personnel of the project in order to execute it efficiently. This team work helps the structural engineers to produce an efficient design for the project. Mathematical skills Mathematical skills are essential for every project; so in the case of structural engineering, it is not something exceptional. Structural engineers need to design their project plans with the help of latest design method like matrix analysis, and other modern structural engineering software which requires good mathematical knowledge for operating. IT skills In this modern period, it is essential to have the knowledge of IT. In the field of structural engineering, it is important to have IT skills to generate extra advantage and do the job within the time allotted. Nowadays the complex designs are solved with the help of latest design software like Staad Pro. , Revit, E-Tabs and the drawing is done through Computer- aided design (CAD). 3. Entry requirements for Structural Engineering Generally, a graduate civil engineer is eligible for choosing his or her career as structural engineer. A degree in other engineering discipline can be deemed able to make his career as structural engineering, but this will be a tougher task than a civil engineer. 4. Advertisement for Structural Engineering jobs. A. Indeed - B. London jobs - C. The Structural Engineer Jobs - 5. List of resources References Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016].
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